A few months ago, gripped by baking fever, I purchased Mary Berry's Baking Bible. I quickly decided to embark upon a mission to bake everything in the book, and turn myself from an occasional baker into a bit of an expert. My Grandad Ern was a Master Baker by trade; the man responsible for introducing Danish Pastries to England in fact, and I wish it had occurred to me to spend more time learning from him, rather than simply enjoying the fruits of his effortless labours. This project is almost a way of making amends for that; I'd like to follow in his footsteps (if not in my career, at least as a hobby) and continue the proud heritage of baking in my family.
I credit my friend Rachel with the idea to write a blog about my baking exploits, hoping that there will be more successes than failures as I attempt all 213 of the Queen of Baking's recipes.
So as not to bore the husband with a monotonous diet of sponges, followed by weeks of biscuits, I've decided to tackle the recipes by selecting the first bake from each chapter, followed by the second recipe and so on. I'm not going to pick and choose; I'm determined to face my baking demons and learn how to do everything baking-related, even if the consequences are disastrous!
Everything will be photographed, with comment about how I found baking it, and a husband rating (to be taken with a pinch of salt as he has a very selective cake-tooth).

Sunday 4 February 2018

105. Rock Cakes

Scouring the pages for something to bake with what I had in the fridge/cupboard, I came upon these. The only ingredient I had to 'adapt' was the sugar. We're running out of granulated sugar, so I used golden caster sugar instead. Only 50g was needed, so I couldn't see it making that much difference on the whole. I also didn't have any demerera to sprinkle over the top before baking for that nice extra crunch, but I wasn't far off what was intended! What was nice about this bake, is that it was the first time in a long time that Elizabeth's helped me from start to finish. I felt less rushed and therefore more patient, and she participated in nearly every step, from measuring, to rubbing the butter into the flour, then getting all sticky once the egg and milk was added. She enjoyed squidging the mixture through her fingers, and stirring all the ingredients in. No need to be perfectionists with this one, we dolloped the cakes onto the trays in some sort of 'mound' and didn't need to wait long (about 12 minutes) before they were done.
As soon as they were cool enough to eat, both girls and I got stuck in, and I was very impressed that for once (and this is a big deal), Elizabeth ate something with dried fruit in. Yes, she ate raisins, and currants! Baby was equally impressed, so these were a success all round. The only issue is that some of the fruit catches in the oven, so you sometimes get a bitter taste from a burnt sultana. My mum makes these without the fruit but with a dollop of lemon curd in the middle, so we'll do that next time (or add chocolate chips). It feels like a good basic recipe with multiple possible adaptations.
Baker's verdict: easy and quick to make and enjoyable to eat. Will definitely bake these again.
Husband rating: 8/10 - very nice little cakes.

Baby's First Birthday Cake

As I posted about Elizabeth's first birthday cake, I thought I should do the same for our littlest's too. So here it is, and this is what happens when you have more than one child and thus less time to do fancy things with icing. This is just a classic Victoria Sandwich, with lemon curd and buttercream, plus a load of white chocolate biscuit fingers and a bucketload of sprinkles. Total sugar overload, and we ended up chucking some of the biscuits, which are my new favourite baking friends as they make any sponge look a bit more fancy, by covering up all the cake which isn't iced!
Baby (who is turning into a bit of a cake fiend) enjoyed it anyway. Maybe she'll get some fondant icing next year...

104. Chocolate and Vanilla Pinwheel Biscuits

I baked these way back in October (what a surprise, I'm behind on my blog again), and I recall rushing them, hence their rather 'crude' appearance. I seem to remember enlisting my daughter's help, as it says in the book that 'young children can easily make these'. However, I also recall it all getting a bit sticky and messy and me telling Elizabeth that it would probably be best if I just did them myself. It was all a bit fiddly, with the making and chilling of two different mixtures, and then I got myself in a bit of a muddle rolling the two doughs together; accidentally placing the chocolate one on top.
I didn't cut them very well, so they came out as ovals rather than circles, and like Mary's version in negative. They didn't look very appetising, and didn't taste anything special either. Quite bland in actual fact!
Baker's verdict: not as easy to make as Mary suggests, due to the moistness of the mixture. I'd probably give them another shot when I wasn't so rushed though. Could do with having a bit more flavour.
Husband rating: not even going to bother asking for one as he won't remember, and then I'll just feel even more fed-up that I don't have time to bake or blog.